Sunday, December 12, 2010


My girl was in an accident not that long ago. . .
She called me to tell me and now I can't stop shaking. I went down the hall to stay quiet and ended up against the wall. The next thing I knew I was on the floor and I couldn't breath, my heart feels like it will break my ribcage. I can only imagine what would have happened if something had gone wrong.
I don't want to think how lucky I am that she is alive and only a little banged up.
My god I love her so much. . . Don't you dare take her from me.


Friday, December 10, 2010

If it wasn't for. . .

If it wasn't for friends?
I'd have gone crazy.
If it wasn't for family?
I'd not have shoulder's to cry on.
If it wasn't for pets?
I'd have no one to play with.
If it wasn't for my mother?
I'd not have an apartment.
If it wasn't for my father?
I'd not know the feeling of speed, or what it's like to build with my hands.
If it wasn't for my sister?
I don't think I would have read, I don't think I would be writing.
If it wasn't for. . .
If it wasn't for Her?
This life would be meaningless. . .
If it wasn't for Her I don't know how much shit I could take and now I never will have to find out.
Because of her?
I can take on the world and laugh as it tries to fight back.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

. . .

I don't know what to say. Busy is busy and haven't had time to do much. My body seems to like to kick my ass and I don't know how to fix it. Doc says I just have "A very sensitive stomach" well when that includes waking up with pain for 3 days straight and diarrhea most of the time after eating very little then she's probably right.
All I can do is push forward and pray pray pray it all comes through eventually. Semester is almost over, just a bit longer.