Monday, May 9, 2011

Well Hello again Ladies and Gentlemen

So we begin the month of May. O boy. No more classes. . .kinda. . .more work. . . in a way. . .wait a second. . .how is this different than before? 'CAUSE I SAID SO! XP
*laughs* wow I need a life. Hopefully that will be happening this week because one helluva week it is. Let's see:
Sunday-work until late, mother's day so gotta see the mom
Monday-work till late...and later...ugh
Tuesday- groceries come in so gotta do that, possibly a visit to the girl :D XD yes!!!
Wednesday- work...again
Thursday- day off, maybe see the mother again for splitting wood
Friday-work once more
Saturday- Sister graduates from college so go show respect
and finally the week after that is more classes.
Well I got nothing to say....sleep?