Saturday, June 22, 2013

I'm Going InSaNe.

I know most of you probably think I already am insane. . .who am I kidding I could probably name all of the people who read this stuff, but seriously. My life feels turned upside down. I tried dating again and it was to soon, I'm still raw and sore and broken. Worst part is, she was one of my best friends. Now because of how much she knows, and how it happened. . .Every word makes me feel worse, every letter drives a knife in deeper. And. . .she knows me well enough to know what to say to cut and leave marks. . .things I have buried are brought to the surface.
I have never felt so tortured in my life. . .maybe. . .
Maybe I deserve this. . .
After all I have done. . .maybe I needed someone to strip me to bone and exposed everything fault that makes me who I am to wipe it clean. . .But. . .
How does it take?
How long can I keep going until I breakdown?
I can't write, I can't seam to eat well, I don't sleep. . .
I have no outlet. . .It's all just a build up and I do not like where it is going. . .