Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Chapter Six

The lone tower that stood after the Mage Council had destroyed it, with Felix in it, looked dark and haunted. It stood there like a single rook on a chess board as we approached. I could see the stones from the other parts of the college. Some looked as if they had been tossed by giants while others appeared melted as if from dragons. Felix stood on my shoulders staring at the decimated ruins.
"Are you okay Felix?"
"Y. . . Yes. I'm fine Jasper." He turned towards me and rubbed his face on my cheek, trying to reassure me but all it did was press the idea in my mind that he was hurt about what happened here. "Would you like to see what happened? As a familiar I am granted certain powers." I turned towards Jacks and we both nodded, and then my vision changed and we were thousands of years in the past and next to us stood Felix, the man, with the cat still on my shoulder.
"That's you?" I was astounded.
"Oh, should I have mentioned that I am an ancestor of yours as well?" I shrugged and smiled. The man before me was a little taller than me and had seen roughly the same amount of winters which appeared to be nineteen or twenty. His hair was cut short and I guess he had done it himself for a while as he had been staying here. His face had the same high cheek bones as me and small nose. When he turned more I could see his coal black eyes which was my family's known symbol and genetic mark. He began to walk to the tower and we followed. "This is the day before it happened." Felix mentioned as we followed him through the front gates which even back then were becoming covered by the forest which was slowly taking over.
We saw the stone guards that were summoned into place with darker magic because of the purple clouds around the joints. "What's the mark for a demon summoner?" I asked, I knew I didn't need to be quiet while being here but it seemed appropriate. But as we came into the great hall, Felix, as a man, took off his dark riding cloak and I could see he had not been wearing a shirt, which might have only slightly covered the mark he had received from the bottom of his spine, to the top of a gnarled tree, its branches flowing outward and down his arms and just touching his collarbone. "Well I guess that is the symbol."
"When I was brought before the council I was told the reason it had started as a sprout on my back as healthy, it would have grown right if I had used it properly which was to summon objects not demons. But since many back then were secretly mages, hiding their power and the council had just been formed, I did not know this." His head dropped as he remembered something painful, I assumed. The man in front of us took the knife from his belt and began to try and drag it across his wrist, along with the other marks he had made. Yet, because of how many time he had done this, nothing came out, after so many healing scrolls and ointments the skin would not bleed. I saw the frustration on his face as he brought it up further, to his bicep and cut. I saw him grit his teeth, I could see, as he opened his mouth slightly, that he had filed his teeth down to look more menacing is what he had told us. "Demons are ferocious fresh from hell, and anything that changed my body made them respect me even if I was human. . . I am not proud of this next part." We turned back to see him sucking on his own arm, long enough to realize he was drinking it, and finally as he stopped he spat the last of it on the floor, touched the tree on his back, which dropped a branch in front of my eyes. The blood began moving on its own into the demonic symbol of night.
"Felix. . ."
"Yes, you know that symbol Jasper, even Jacks will know that one too. One of the thirteen princes of darkness, the one in charge of Hell's army." And then we were pulled back to the present and we heard the wind whipping around us and the yell of evil from deep beneath the earth. "And that, is most likely what is trapped here, because right after that summoning I was summoned myself to the council and punished, they did not realize that the beast would live through the castle's destruction.
"Well, it is the 3rd prince of Hell" Jacks stated as he took his sword from his back and held its scabbard.
"That should not quicken your step Jacks." Felix snapped.
"It should do just that, Felix, Because we are protectors of this realm, and this is our job." We both followed his caped back to the tower and to its basement which held the most ferocious beast, second only to the one we kept as a pet behind us, which chuckled slightly as the demon roared again.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Chapter 5 (Cont)

Once the deal was made, it took about a week for Andras to make a complete list of the demons roaming the country as well as the way to lure them into traps, what bodies they were in and how to defeat them. It was a very detailed list and our guild at  The Witch's Broom soon was receiving more fame then we knew what to do with. The names that were on everyone's tongues were Jacks, the man who was thrown from the army for. . . Well there were many rumors on that. There was the "Cat-Man", which made Jacks and I laugh a little too much. His apparent story that everyone seemed to know was he was a man once and now had been turned into a cat, that he had angered a wizard and decided to fight all wizards who broke the laws. And finally, Jasper Huntsman. The man in the red cloak. The man known for killing twenty mercenaries with a single arrow, for the wrestling with two bears and winning, as well as the killing of the sheriff of Woodside. No one at the guild ever tried to denounce rumors, they seemed to enjoy the attention, no matter who it was on, as long as the guild was held in good standing because of it.
The next few days were hectic, Jacks, Felix and I decided to help out and clear some names off the list as well, and now we had Andras along with us. Though he usually kept quiet and would have Lilith speak for him, and had to be carried most of the time, in a fight he was invaluable. His skill with a small blade was tremendous and stealth was as easy as breathing. He always took care of Lilith, whether it was erasing her memory of what he had to do or bringing up she as hungry but too shy to say anything to us.
Although, it was still odd. At night I could sense someone watching me, and when I awoke, Andras' eyes were glowing from outside my tent and across the fire, smiling like he knew a great secret. Knowing I was being watched by a demon may seem like the biggest problem, but in due time, it would be the least, especially with what came next.
The harvest festival for the town of Oar had finally ended and we were allowed to accept jobs once more instead of participating in the towns traditions. When I finally was able to make it to the board there was but one more still there. All it mentioned was a tower in which there seemed to be someone living in it, but every time the villagers would try to find out more, some ghost or force seemed to turn them away.
I returned to the cabin while Jacks was resting underneath the tree by the cabin and showed him what I had taken he looked it over himself, so did Felix who had been napping on Jack' lap. "Do you recognize that tower Jasper?" Felix asked.
"Should I?"
"Take a closer look ad tell me you do not remember." I took the paper again, now that it had been mentioned, something in my mind was gnawing at me but I could not figure it out. "It has a history, but beyond that I don't recall. Why what is it?"
Felix looked at the page once more, "It is the old grounds of the Mage college in this country, and where I myself set up my summoning circles.."

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Chapter 5

I did the only thing I could. I threw myself into training. I made myself deadly with a bow, more so than any man could say. I could track anyone through any conditions on any day or night. I started using the sword more because I wanted to see my opponents eyes. I kept at it until I even left a cut on Jacks himself, he started giving a killing intent when we had bouts. My training showed. You could see it in my hands and Jacks even said my eyes too. I would walk into the guild for a small job and people would go quiet. I always wore my cloak, I realized it was reversible from the deep red to a mottled green, black, and grey. I was told it was for camouflage, not that I needed it. With my hood up I didn't have to see anyone.
It was like any other day when I walked into the Witch's Broom and someone came up from behind me. I could hear the footsteps. "Yes?"
"I'm sorry?" It was then I heard it was the captain, I quickly turned around and lowered my hood.
"I meant yes sir."
"Good, that sounds right. I wanted to tell you that we have made some progress with Lilith. But she and the demon won't say anything more without talking to you."
"Even Andras?" The captain looked puzzled. "The demon."
"Oh! Yes, that is its name. Yes even the demon." I nodded and left the board where jobs were kept and walked upstairs to the room the two were staying in.
When I made it to the room I knocked and heard the small little voice tell me to come in. It was dark, all the windows were covered with cloth and there was but a single candle, giving the room an eerie look and feel. I started to cough from the smoke in the room.
"Sorry but I like the dark." Lilith said.
"It'd okay. I was told you wanted to talk to me."
"No I just wanted to see you, my friend wants to talk though, right Andy?"
"I told you not to call me that stupid child!" Finally Andras' voice came through and two eyes appeared from the dark and he stepped forward in his small body. "I wish to make a deal with you human."
"And why is that?"
Andras stepped closer and into the light, I could see the twisted grin he was putting on Lilith's face and I did not know how to react but I stayed silent. "Because as a demon I have certain knowledge of things to pass. You will see battles beyond your imagining, blood will make the roads red, and you sir will be unstoppable to and a legend. I just wish to help make that happen."
"Do you know what I do best, Jasper?" I shook my head slowly. "I destroy men, from the inside out, or anyway I like. I know that I won't be the cause of your destruction, but I would, however since I can't destroy you, then why not destroy men with. . .you."
"And in return?"
"Helping you become a name in history isn't enough? Well how about the names of demons in this world, what they are capable of and how to kill them?"
"You would give up your kinsmen."
"Please, they are all lesser beings then me and hardly worth the same sentence."
I knew there was something he was not telling me but what could I do really. If I did not take his offer, that alone would seem bad. "Let me ask my captain."
"Of course, you have one hour." I nodded and went downstairs to investigate.
When I was finished telling the captain I still had some time left until Andras wanted an answer.
"And do you think he is lying?"
"I think he's planning something, what it is I don't know but I don't see the harm in keeping them both close, watching him and getting rid of some much needed evil." He nodded his agreement.
"Take the deal, but they travel with you only, and only after the list is made, and if anymore come up then he is to report it back to us." I nodded and headed back upstairs to tell the two of them.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Chapter 4 cont

There was more celebration when we got back to the guild. My father would not stop smiling and tears could be seen on my mother's face, of happiness and I guessed a slight amount of fear that I would have lost. Everyone pulled me aside and congratulated me on my victory but none of the members mentioned the magic I had used. When I tried to talk to the captain he simply brushed it off. I did not know whether to be offended or worried. But I did not have time to think of much because when my thoughts were at there worst, my father pulled me aside.
"Let me see son." Still smiling he helped me roll up my sleeves. I smiled as well but I saw his face go from joy to serious.
"What's wrong?" I looked down at the arm my father held and noticed something, they looked exactly like my father's runes.
"You are starting at a very high level of magic. My first runes were only around my wrists. You remember what I've told you. . ."
"Yes, yes, a mage is only as powerful as the marks they have received from the world. Each type of mark refers to a type of magic. The runes become knowledge and once received you already know how to use them." I remembered as a boy, tracing the circles around my father's forearms for the fire magic, and poking the small dots for stone. I would trace the back of his hands where the ripples for water were and the palms with the vortex for air. "Maybe it has come this powerful because it is my only magic, and because it happened so late in life."
My father nodded as he examined me with his face of stone. "It is definitely possible and likely, and remember. . ."
"Magic is only as powerful as long as I have the stamina for it. Mage battles have been known to last for days, and the one who lost used it too soon and too much at a time." He nodded and gave me a small smile and patted my cheek.
"Maybe I should stick around for a few days, and help with some magic training, what do you think?" I was shocked he was asking and not telling. For my whole life until then he had always told me to try doing something peculiar to gain magic and never giving me a choice. I knew all the proper techniques for most uses of magic, and I had plenty of stamina from the training I had received with Jacks. But, I stilled nodded my head because I could not possibly pass up the opportunity.
The next day I brought him to the house where I lived with Jacks while my training had taken place. "Now remember son, you don't need to rush into this, take it slow until you get the hang of it." I could tell he was about to say more but I could already feel the power welling up inside of me, excited to be used again, and this time on purpose after having been slept so long. I squeezed my hand tight until I could almost feel the heat, which would not effect me anymore, and when I opened my hand, a red flame flickered to life, bright and furious. "That's-uh. . . Impressive. I guess you won't have to keep a fire stone with you, just go easy, okay?"
I smiled like the playful fire I held in my hand, I asked, not told, what the fire to do and it was eager to show its power. I put my hands together and pushed it out in front of me to launch it at my father. I saw him throw his hands up and he took a step back. "I'm so sorry, I thought you saw it coming." I went to see if he was okay inside of the smoke surrounding him when I saw my father's famous blue sparks flying towards me. I dodged it with wide eyes.
"Very nice, I almost could not keep my balance there, but you left yourself open. This is not my first fight." He too was smiling. I saw his hands begin to turn dark and I knew what was next. I braced myself, wondering where the attack would come from. I did as I was taught and watched him, not as my father but as a mage. When I saw his hands trembling, I could feel the rocks below me begin to shift, and when they began to rise I knew what would come next. As I predicted the earth I was standing on began to move and then it flew up into the sky, but I was ready for it and as he stopped the rock I pushed off and flipped backwards, I gathered my power inside of my lungs and asked for it to show my breath.
As I let out my air I saw the fire go with it and my father had to dodge this time. I was still falling and when I came to closer to the ground I clenched my hands and asked for it to aid me, it loose jets of fire from my hands to slow my descent and I easily found the ground. "Had enough old man?" I heard my father's chuckle but I could not see him. I looked around but he was not there. I inhaled slowly and listened to see if I could find him, I heard slight footsteps behind and so I wheeled around and red sparks followed my fist.
Out of nowhere my father's fist caught my elbow as I finally saw him come out of the air, he had asked it to hide him but stealth was not a skill for him. I smiled but when I looked at my father his eyes were wide with shock. He dropped my arm and began to walk away. "There is nothing for me to teach you."
"Father, did. . ."
"You do not speak to me again, or you mother."
"Father. . ."
"Do not speak." He turned to face me and I could see anger in his face, something I had never seen. I dropped my gaze and when I knew he could not see me I dropped to the ground and fought the tears that were trying to come out.
"Jasper." I looked and saw Felix at my knees. I crossed my leg, let him crawl into my lap, and told him what happened.
"You were able to summon lightning, something your father has never done. It is the purest bond between nature and the mage. It says that you are very powerful and things that are hard for other mages, are child's play to you."
"But why would he be angry with me? He doesn't even wish to have me speak."
"He is both jealous and scared. Jealous that his son who he had given up on is more powerful than he, and scared because even if it was an accident, you could beat him any time you wished."
"I would ne. . ."
"I know. . ."
"And he knows. But his pride as a man says you are now his enemy. I may not like mages but I do know men. And that is how it looked and sounded to me." It was at that moment that Jacks decided to come out of the house with a pint to his mouth. "I'm sorry for you to have to go through that, some men are big enough to say they are weak in certain areas, some men cannot."
"I wonder which one you are Jacks." Felix pawed at his leg as he asked.
"I admit I am full of myself, pig headed and not good when it comes to feelings but I try my best. Especially to someone I. . . Someone I care about." He came closer and knelt beside me.
"Awe the beast does have a. . ."
"I could catch up to him, surprise him and kill him if you like."
"I take that back, you don't have a heart do you Jacks?"
"I do." He tipped is glass to finish his mead. "It's just buried behind some very thick ice." He patted me on the shoulder before standing up, "And maybe you were meant to thaw it out for me, boy."

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Chapter 4

It took us three days on foot to travel back to Oar. Nothing had changed. The town was still filled with the sound of seagulls, mixed with the smell of fish freshly caught, and the voices of the sailors and fisherman rowdy with their first drinks after a long day. Lilith was asleep on my back as we made our way to the guild hall, it was still early for to many members to be back so it was still fairly quiet and I was not so worried to wake her. I felt the weight of the girl come off as I noticed Jacks pull her into his arms as he said, "I'll take her upstairs and into bed, go tell the captain of the day."
"But. . ."
"This was your mission lad, it is your responsibility." I nodded and made my way to the bar where I saw him nursing what I guessed was his second cup of mead.
I was nervous, I felt like I had done something wrong, I sat with and tried to find the words. "You don't have to tell me to much son, I already know of what happened. . . Well I know some different versions of it."
"Of what I did to the lord of Woodside?" He nodded and I sighed and dropped my head onto the bar. "What have you heard?"
"Oh let's see. I heard you came back with three bear pelts and a little girl who was attacked by them, you could the bears with one shot in total and threw the pelts at his feet. He graciously accepted them but said he had no money so you plundered his house and when he objected you threatened to kill him and his entire family and staff of house."
"That's. . ."
"False, I know. Because that was the letter from the lord himself. I know of him quite well and his mistreatment of the guilds and their members. He finds us low and greedy. I also. . ." He began rummaging through his paperwork in front of him until he found what he was looking for. "Have this letter of announcements for the kingdom. It states:
As of today the third of the frost month 742, that Lord Barcus has renounced his title of lordship over Woodside after a riot from peasants had taken place 3 days before after a guild member from The Witch's Broom had taken a request. He did not give reason but only to say it is what is best for the people.
Do you care to enlighten me son?" I began with when we entered the town and told him of what we had actually found, of what occurred when we returned and my reaction the horrible treatment we had received. "Well I'll be damned." He finished his mead, drank a good portion of that before setting it down and then he was quiet. "This is quite the dilemma." I nodded. "The girl is upstairs now? Good I shall want to speak with her and this demon that resides in her. It may be better to kill them both, although a demon as weak as how you described it may actually prove more useful if the girl can pry inside of it. But as for your punishment. . ."
"I thought you approved sir!"
"I do, I highly approve but you threatened a man's life, you did so in front of witnesses and he was a lord. So a ceremony will be held to make you an official member of the guild with your new title of course. I could see his smile as he drank more mead but he made sure it was gone by the time he stopped."
"I don't understand."
"Well you threatening a lord like that means certain death unless you're a guild member. As a guild member I write a formal apology for my member causing a stir, jot down what happened and it is considered something that could not be helped. We guild get away with almost anything as long as it was necessary. Was it?"
"If he was still there it was very likely no one would have accepted jobs there eventually and the town would have suffered. . ."
"Exactly. Necessary." I watched him take another drink and again I saw him smiling. It was that moment I really understood why guilds were so important to our kingdom.
Inside the great hall of Oar, where Lord Aidan met with the townsfolk is where my ceremony was. Even my parents had come. My official crest became three arrows in front of a sword that was wrapped in a vine. It was stitched onto new clothes, and a red cloak that were given to me for the celebration and was put onto a silver pendant to show that I was no longer in training. I was accepted into the ranks by the captain himself and Jacks. They both had made speeches and I was nervous the entire time, yet I know I liked it too. This is what I had always wanted, to be on adventures and to help people. But everything was cut short.
There was a bang at the doors and people jumped and you could hear little shouts throughout the hall. It came again, and again, and again. Finally the door was broken and that is when we all saw him. The man I had caused to resign from his lordship.
"You! I am forced to lose my title because of you! Not only that but they reward you for it? I did not realize you weren't even a fully fledged lackey until yesterday."
"Sir you are not welcome here. . ."
"Shut up Aidan, I've always hated you, and it is my right to challenge that man to single combat!"
There was shock among everyone there and I saw my father's hand begin to glow, like they always did when he summoned his power. He looked at me and I slightly shook his head. "I accept." I said calmly.
"Then meet me outside and I shall slit that pretty throat of yours." and he walked away.
"I thought challenges were to first blood?" I asked Jacks.
"In the guild they are, we don't want to kill each other. But the law of the kingdom is to the death."
When we made our way outside, a circle had already been made and rope was being put around the edges of posts. "Come kill me Jasper the Hunter." I looked the people that had come out with me, the captain, Jacks, and my parents.
"You'll do just fine if you remember your training."
"But this is close combat."
"That's why I said to remember your training. With a bow you are a natural but a sword had to be taught." I heard my mother give a small gasp, I turned and hugged her.
"I'll be fine mother." I told her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"Son, you are a warrior at heart it seems, but your blood runs with magic, even if you cant use it. If you can track as good as I have heard in the small time you have been gone, then follow his movements, every man has a certain way of moving that they learn when they pick up any skill. Find it, and use it." His hands on my face was so familiar I almost forgot about the challenge. To hear him give advice like that made me think of how he talked to my sister before she finally left to join a guild of her own. I patted his hand and gave him a hug before unclasping my cloak. I took off my shirt and I heard my mother gasp again, but I kept walking because it was only from her seeing the scars of my training. Jacks was not an easy man, sometimes his training went to far, but I had taken it all in stride and was the only one to have ever survived.
Claw marks from a tiger ran from my left shoulder blade to the back of my right hip. My right shoulder and half of the bicep was burned from escaping a burning house. Whip marks from when I went undercover in a slave caravan for Jacks spotted my spine. I stretched my arms before picking up a war-axe instead of a sword. I could hear Jacks clap and encouraging me already. I was better with anything I could use to survive with then I was with a sword. That was because of the three months I had spent on my own in the woods before Jacks would even let me pick up a weapon for training. He have me some rope, a dagger, and an axe. He had kept close eye on me but at a distance so I would not ask for help. All of that time he had learned one thing about me. If it meant me, or someone else, I would survive, it was the second thing I did best besides tracking, it was when I became a hunter.
As I tested the axe in my hand by giving it a few swings I finally let all of my thoughts go and let my senses take over. I could smell the sweat of the man in front of me. I could hear the cheers of the crowd. I saw the shaking of his hands as he held his sword and dagger. I felt the warm leather in my hands and the soft earth beneath my boots. I licked my lips and tasted the air which was rich with water from the humid day. I took all of these things into account before Barcus charged me. I heard his scream, saw the murderous intent in his eyes but I also saw the fear which slowed him down. I dodged to the side, hooked his leg and used his own weight to flip him onto the ground. I could have killed him then but since I only intended to survive, this was self defense only.
He slowly got to his feet and I saw him clenching his hand which wasn't holding his sword, but I was to late to realize why. He turned and it was at that moment I saw the sand flying into my face. I tried my best to cover my eyes but since it was still dry it spread out. i tried not to claw at my eyes, I closed them as tightly as I could so tears would form and wash them naturally. Barcus did not waste his time though and rushed me to the ground. I felt his body tense up, so at the last second I dodged his blade, I heard it sink into the earth, I dodged again and again but the last one clipped me and it began to burn.
It should not have hurt so bad, Jacks has cut me before, so I would know the pain and it had never hurt like this. The only logical thought I could think of was that it was poisoned, which was against the rules. I tried to struggle up but he had me pinned, he placed his dagger across my throat and I felt his breath in my ear. "If you say a word, I shall slit your throat peasant. True I will kill you anyways, but if they stop this fight, they will not know the antidote needed to save your life now will they? Hunter?"
"You're nothing but a coward, could not face me on equal ground. . ."
"Of course I could but I like having the upper hand, Jasper you must have realized that by now." I could feel something burning, it was most intense on my forearms, like it came in waves and had a rippling effect. "W-w-what are you doing? Stop that."
"Stop what you mongrel?"
"What is wrong with your hands?? I still couldn't see but a thought started to form inside of my head, it was not exactly made of words but of the knowledge of what to do, I put my hands out as far as I could and willed. . . fire.
There was a bang as the matter in front of my hands changed to something combustible and blasted Barcus off of me. there was silence as I stood and rubbed my eyes. I looked down at my hands and saw the red glow I had always seen from my father but more intense. I saw the burned lines of a fire mage, the thick rings with three thin rings in between. Finally the pain subsided. I stood there awe struck at what had just happened.
A fighter had gained magic, yes I came from a family of mages but even I had thought it not possible. Then the clapping began, from my father, then my mother and the rest soon followed.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Chapter 3 Continued

"Are you sure this will work boy?" Jacks sighed, he looked tired from having carried the pelt of the bear this far even though I did not think it had been that heavy.
"It has too." I repositioned Lilith on my hip and whispered in her ear, "Just stay quiet and we will take you somewhere safe." I felt her nod against my chest as we arrived in the middle of Woodside, at the home of the ruling lord, though it seemed many others had gathered here having heard the news that we had taken the job. I knocked on the door as I started to hear people muttering in the crowd. "We have come to deliver the pelt of the menace of these woods, and collect our reward."
I could hear shuffling from the other side of the door, then it opened slowly and I took a step back as the lord, I assumed, stepped out.
"So you are the one who took the request. You're a lot younger then the men who I thought might take it."
"Youth means nothing when it comes to fighting spirit." I said it loud enough so everyone around us could also hear it. I motioned to Jacks as I spoke again. "This is the mother bear, I found three cubs with her and had cornered this girl that is with me. She's quite shaken up so I will take her with us where we can keep a close eye on her until she becomes well again."
"Very well, here is your reward. . ." A bag of silver was thrown at me and I caught it as best I cold while still holding onto Lilith. "Now leave this place."
"I. . . I don't understand. We- we did the job as was asked of us. Shouldn't you be more happy. . ."
"No one wants you here peasant." I will always remember these next couple of moments as long as I live. The man turned around and spat at me. So I called out to Jacks and gave Lilith a slight toss, he dropped the pelt, caught the girl and drew his sword in one fine motion. The moment she left my hands I began to turn and as I did I drew my bow with one arrow and faced the man.
"You dare mock me? You dare think you are better than me? Because you have money, you have a title? What gives you the right? What makes you think in your little petty mind? I don't see you taking care of your villagers, making sure they are kept safe from harm like we had to. I did not see a sign on any road even asking the army for assistance. If it were not for us then these bears could have come into this town and slaughtered you all in you sleep. . ."
"Jasper. . ."
"And this is the thanks we get for it? Give me one good reason why any guild member should take a job from the likes of you again, I dare you." I knew I was yelling and I knew I could let my fingers slip but I was better than that. This was just some man full of power that he could not see how he had asked for help. But his answer was something I wish I had never heard.
"For money. It will be denied by me if you take a another step out of line, but any other guild, or its members will do. Any one will take a job because they need the money." He smiled, almost seemed to sneer at me. I am not proud. . . What am I saying, hell yes I am proud.
I let my fingers slide and I watched as the arrow flew from my bow and drove the man's tunic into his door ad held him there. I drew my sword and advanced on him but I could hear Jacks right behind me trying to calm me down, as well as Felix quietly talking form my satchel.
"You listen to me now sir." I growled. "I will make sure no one ever helps out this town. I will make sure that the high council of Fighters knows to never take a request from you again. As long as you sit in power, if any citizen calls for aid. . . We will not answer, not us, nor any guild not even the army itself." I watched the man smile and try to laugh it off but I sunk my blade into the tree and I knew it was close to him, I would bet my life that if it moved just a little that it would draw blood. "You think I can't do it? I don't care how long it takes but I always keep my word. And let me to you this. . .sir. If you don't resign, I have a feeling that these people may need help, and when they cannot understand why they cannot get it. They will remember this day and eventually you will be thrown. Once that day comes." I leaned in closer so just he could hear me. "I will hunt you. I will not stop until I have found you and when I do? You will have wished you had never met me, you will beg for death. Or my name is not Jasper the Hunter." I grabbed the arrow and let him fall to the ground, sheathed my blade and walked away.
"That was quite the display Jasper. Or should we all start calling you the Hunter now? I heard Felix from my satchel and he laughed, but maybe it fit. Back in that time it fit me very well. I had high marks from Jacks on my tracking skills and knowing where my target was going, and with a bow, I rarely ever missed. But it has been a long time since I was called the Hunter, and not the Hunted. But I will get to that when it arrives. For now let me continue on the story of how I got there.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Chapter 3

"What the hell do you mean we take care of it?" I tried to stay quiet as I said this. "It's a little girl, it may be a demon but do you want a little girl's blood on your hands?"
"That wouldn't be the only blood that's on my hands Jasper. It wouldn't even be the worst." I could see he was serious but I did not want to be a part of this."
"Jacks please, our job was to kill the bears, that was the flyer. How can you justify this?"
"Because she's possessed, boy! She will keep killing until only she remains and then when it leaves her body and she is alone on this world it will take form and devour her. That's what demons do." He screamed. I could not meet his eye after that. He stood there breathing heavily, I watched his feet turn towards the girl who had been watching all of this in a sort of fascination.
I felt a familiar small paw on my leg. "Her soul has turned dark Jasper, even I would say that her death would bring a small bit of piece to this world." I held back my tears as best I could, but when I heard her scream I stopped and looked at her.
"Somebody help me!" She curled herself into a ball and started to cry as Jacks approached her.
"Jacks wait" I jumped in front of him and put my hand up. I looked at this little girl who moments before had been tearing apart a grown bear, now reduced to this. I looked back and saw he had lowered his sword. "Something isn't right." He nodded as he looked at me.
"Hey, it's alright, we're not here to hurt you. We're from the fighter's guild and we came to take care of some bears in the area. Do you know anything about that?"
"No, I don't think so. I don't know where I am."
"Ok, well. . . What's your name?"
"Ok Lilith. What's the last thing you remember?"
"My friend says you tried to kill me, why should I trust you?" I stopped moving, my eyes got wide and I turned to Jacks for any ideas he might have.
"Jasper get away from her." Felix walked in front of me and I did as I was told."
"Kitty you can talk. . ."
"Be quiet girl, look into my eyes and do not speak." Felix crawled into the girl's lap putting his front paws on her chest and staring her down.
"Jasper Have you ever seen him do this before?" Jacks asked me as we both took further steps back. I could only shake my head as we watched, waiting for something to happen, anything. And then, it did.
Felix leaped of the girl straight back as a man's voice came from her throat and it laughed. "It's been a long time Felix, too long. How long has it been? Almost a century? More?"
"Two and a half." He answered. It laughed a little and tossed Lilith's hair over its shoulder, I noticed the eye that was on the side of her face covered in blood did not match the other. One was pure blue, and the other was pitch black.
"My my, time has flown by, and look at you now. I almost didn't recognize you. What did you? Did you finally raise the undead? I know that's why you summoned me the last tie we spoke, I'm sorry I didn't help but even my own powers are limited without a vessel and since you wouldn't share yours." It sighed and smiled. "But where are your manners old friend, don't you care to introduce me to your friends?"
"Jasper, Jacks, this is Andras. The sower of discord."
It stood up, still smiling and bowed before speaking. "The pleasure is all mine gentlemen. I know Felix probably doesn't mention his past, why would he want to think on it much but, back in the day. I was often summoned by him."
"Felix" I whispered.
"That was my cursed power Jasper. I could summon demons, and as long as I took the proper precautions I was safe. We wizards are to keep balance in this world you know that better than anyone. But, sometimes, a wizard's power is not within the balance. Some, like me, believed it because we were allowed to break that rule. We were wrong, and for that we became the first familiars, to follow wizarding families and keep them on track while recording history."
"Oh don't sound so high and mighty dear friend. We both know the truth. . . You liked breaking the Rule. . ."
"None of us knew the consequence, none of us came close as to what would happen. All we were told 'Don't do this', or 'don't do that or else'. But not of the price we would pay. But why are you here Andras. Why now."
"I was traveling in this world with a wizard who wasn't as cautious as you, a woman. She started crying when she summoned me and stepped out of the circle. . . I took my chance, her being so foolish. What I didn't know. . . was she pregnant." There was silence as we all took this in. I did not understand why this mattered but Felix began to laugh, so much so that even on four legs he looked like he could barely stand.
"You're. . . Oh my this is. . . You're stuck aren't you? She conceived the child and your power was stuck so drastically you can't even undo the bonds you made. We have nothing to fear. He's a harmless as the bears he killed."
"Felix that's not what I would call. . ."
"Jasper. He can't even take over her body for long periods of time without eating flesh to gain strength, I am surprised he lasted this conversation. He may be strong but if Jacks were to swing his sword at this girl, yes she would die and so would Andras. But, I think this much more fitting for a demon as vile as him. Watching this girl's life unfold while he can barely keep himself alive. That is true justice in my eyes."
"But we can't just leave her. . .him. . .it."
"And we won't Jasper," Jacks said. "I think it best we take them to the captain and see if he agrees with Felix. If he does then the guild can find a safe place for the both of them and if not we get to kill it." Jacks placed his sword back in its sheath and motioned for me to take the lead. "This is still your job not mine."
I sighed as I realized how he was playing this and came up with a plan. "Okay here is what we'll do. . ."